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Tomorrow's Teachers

Welcome to Tomorrow’s Teachers - a new, innovative programme from Tes to help teachers spot and develop talented future teachers from the students at their own schools.

UK secondary schools are experiencing a recruitment and retention crisis. Tomorrow’s Teachers from Tes is our plan to help address it.


It aims to help teachers identify students at their school that they think would make great teachers, inspire them about the profession, and equip them with the skills and experience they need to embark on a fulfilling teaching career.


It provides a free, easy-to-use, off-the-shelf package of course materials and other stimulus so teachers can easily deliver the programme to students.


The programme also gives support and guidance around keeping those students engaged with teaching throughout their university studies, and on a clear pathway to a rewarding career.

If every school in the country recruited just one new teacher from its student cohort each year it would have a hugely positive impact on a very concerning situation.

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About the programme

Listen to our latest podcast

It has two sections:

  • an in-school teaching course

  • a work experience placement scheme during a student’s university studies

The in-school course for students is made up of six parts, as well introductory and review sessions for teachers and other school staff. The six teaching parts involve 12 hours of teaching time that can be spread across any period that suits – from just a few days up to one year.


Tes will provide all the course materials, guidance and support needed to make the programme a success.

The programme is delivered by teachers to interested students at their school

Teachers and schools

Find the next generation of teaching talent within your school

Students and parents

Find out about a career in teaching


Be part of the Tomorrow's Teachers movement

Tomorrow's Teachers covers:


Assembly Plan to talk about this programme and teaching as a career 


A fully downloadable online one year (20 hour) course for teaching to use with students in Years 12 or 13 (or years 10 and 11 if appropriate)


Guide for schools about this programme


Help with creating work experience opportunities and placements in schools, for students to attend through school and university holidays


Tools to help identify students with the skills to become teachers


Practical help and information-sharing for all participants to interview for a teacher-training place with an  established Initial Teacher Training provider

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